Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What If I Fall...

 On Day 3 on my #YourTurnChallenge.

“Tell us about something that you think should be improved”

What if I fall, Oh my darling, what if you fly?

Midlife has some perks. When you reach this age, a realization comes that you did the best you could with what you had at the time. 

There isn't anything you could have done differently and the past is behind you so acceptance is ideally what you desire.

Everyone has regrets, that’s human nature. There are some amends you can do but time has a way of moving past some memories for people. So what’s left?


All the time that I have spent helping, nurturing, comforting others has not been wasted because I am grateful that it’s in my nature to love.

I am at the time of my life where gratitude is alive and well. 

Is it because I have more time now on my hands to look at me?

Midlife gives me the opportunity to explore and discover a deeper meaning of myself.

I am ready for the challenge.

What does it mean to me? Doing things differently.

Looking at my life with new eyes. Questioning the way I've been doing things.

Recently I took a trip to Columbia, Missouri. I pride myself in being prepared. This time, I trusted where my destination was, not gripping my phone with the Maps APP. The directions were vague. I shut off my phone and enjoyed the ride. The good news is that I found it! Check that off the list.

While driving down the highway, I interrupted my thoughts of ‘wishing to travel more’ to a place of gratitude of ‘I am traveling now’ moving into the light-bulb moment of reality. I am grateful.

Speed or not to speed. I give myself permission to take my time, slow down and appreciate being a tourist.

Exercise is key to my health. I love to walk in nature. It is wintry cold outside. I chose to walk the stairs many times to reach my goal.

Keep it simple. One step at a time.


First I pay attention to the way it feels on my body when I’m doing something differently. I pause. Breathe. I take the time to explore my feelings. How am I feeling about all of this? When I’m ready, I move forward and trust the process. 

A change in my thinking has really diminished my fear. When I got busy, I got better. 

For me, it really is that simple.

What if I fall, Oh my darling, what if you fly?

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