Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Change Your Perspective Then Your Life

Seth Godin said it best... "the way we respond to the things that we can't change can instantly transform our lives."

Sometimes it takes small steps to get to where you want to be.

Changing your perspective and your response could actually reshape the situation and your thinking.

Maybe you can't change the way you feel but you can respond by having faith and by doing the next right thing.

I love to blog. I am inspired by life to share my experiences in my writings. It find it to be a challenge to put my feelings into words. My love of writing kept me going.

Your Turn Challenge helped me to get unstuck. A group of people to support, comment, retweet and inspire you while finding your way through blogging.

Sometimes my mind went blank. But with the 7 day challenge's accountability I kept writing and I was energized! In the past, I used to blog only when a situation inspired me but this pushed me to write every day and I flourished.

Then the 7 days ended. I was missing my tribe.

Today I felt motivated to continued blogging through a Facebook group after reading KG Heath's, "Why Will Finding a Community Improve My Life". He explains, "In a community you can do the impossible." Belonging to a tribe can transform lives. I believe that to be true.

For that I am insanely thankful, as well.

And I am inspired again.


  1. Great post Ann, I feel the same way about the tribe--I hope we can keep in touch through the Facebook group. Steve Hilliard, steveghilliard.com

  2. Couldn't agree more, Ann! I'm not one to do much creative work in community, but it has been such a great and supportive group. Really glad for it. Thanks for sharing your journey!
