Wednesday, January 28, 2015

An Aging Perspective

My usual walk in the neighborhood this morning provided me with some insights. I was curious and welcomed the opportunity to look at the world differently.

It felt like any other morning, taking pleasure in my day-to-day familiar path in the neighborhood. What made it different on this daybreak was my awareness of change in the air. The trees lining up on the roadway were filled with rich green leaves, an outbreak of a new Spring season. 

I noticed how the breeze easily swirled, reshaping a new day, a new beginning.

As I approached my residential corner, I was met with bright yellow caution tape swathed around stakes to barricade my normal walkway. Road construction is normal this time of year but I was taken back by how much caution tape there was and it was blocking most of the road. I was at a turning point on this roadway deciding which direction to move forward. I guess it would be easy to turn around and chalk it up to a frustrating journey or take issue with it and find a way to continue. I realized that this portage trail is aligning with my life’s journey. 

My life’s second stanza, the years after sixty rhymes with this morning trek being open to change, finding a new passageway, continuing my stroll this crisp morning with appreciation. This awareness makes me believe that today I can look at arriving at 60 years old as a start of a new season, to move forward effortlessly, as a new light that simply requires to keep going with an abundant gratitude list, enjoying a new season. 

Life has its ups and downs. I decide to move forward with enthusiasm. I realize that throughout my life there has been roadblocks around each corner in every stage in growing and I survived nicely. So why should this be any different? As the leaves change and I transition in my life, we are both witnessing a breakthrough of a new season.  

A new beginning.


  1. What a wonderful way to look at it, Ann. Choosing to look at life with gratitude takes wisdom and grace.

    By the way, I found you through the Your Turn Challenge page on FB.

    1. Thanks for reading! And having gratitude brings a better life all around.

  2. Those road blocks can slow us down to be more aware; they can also challenge us to be creative in our response. They can complicate our life~~they can also bless us.Thank you Ann for sharing with us a moment in your journey.

    1. Thanks for reading! I like your observation!
