Thursday, January 22, 2015

Adrenalized Aging

Day 4 ~ “Teach us something that you do well” #YourTurnChallenge

Eternal student. Loving life. Inspiring blogger.  Adrenalized aging.

Since birth I questioned things. I like to know why. I wanted to experience life.

Life inspired me to be more adventurous to be more. Learn more. Everything in my life started with an idea, a voice, or a notion, and then jumping into it.


I skydived, free falling 14,000 ft, traveled alone across the country, and hiked Yosemite are some of my own over-50 year efforts. And I’m blogging.

Sometimes I didn’t see the whole picture so I had to trust to move forward. I am grateful that I did. I grew from every experience.

Living life this long gave me reason to believe that everything happens for a reason. Some good. Some not so good. Always something to learn.

Each experience led me to something greater.

I have memories of sitting in the backseat of an old sedan, traveling with my mom and her sister across the country to visit her friends and not enjoying it. It was on a budget. It was fun when my cousin came and we giggled all the time even though it wasn’t a ‘kid vacation to Disney World’, I made the best of it.

Years later, I look back on those times and see how it made me who I am today.  What it gave me was the open-road awareness of anything is possible on a budget and seeing my mom doing something she was passionate about.

Now I remember and appreciate their funny and insightful conversations. I see it now as a comfortable experience that I grew up in, giving me the confidence and freedom I needed today to explore my life even more deeply. Freedom of the open road.

In September, my friends and I are planning a cross country road trip to Yosemite, on a budget. Another adventure. 

What’s next for today?

Challenging myself blogging every day with deep inner feelings of prospective in my life.

Eternal student. Loving life. Inspiring blogger.  Adrenalized aging. 

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