Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hey Waiter...

Jumping in the car after deciding we wanted a hamburger, my husband and I were scouring the area for the best restaurant to have one for supper. After looking over a delectable menu filled with tasty entrees, we decided we wanted to share a whopping hamburger with all the toppings.

The server wasn’t as happy with our decision as we were when he heard that we wanted to share our meal. Actually, he was disappointed. It wasn’t the extra plate he needed to get; I bet he was concerned about the tip we were going to give him.

Everyone knows the tip is based on the size of the bill but I pride myself as being generous as the next guy when it comes to taking care of the server because my daughter depended on this income when she was going to college.

But he didn’t know that.

The service was not good. I noticed he was spending more quality time with his other tables that had a bigger crowd. My glass of water was empty and noticed the rim of the glass was sticky, as well.

Good service = good tip.

Then a thought came to me.

Have I always given my best knowing there is a chance that I won’t be rewarded?

But what’s the payoff?

There is an innate desire for humans to do the right thing. Is it an obligation that was taught from young? There is a point in time that we make that choice.

How do we want to live?

When I have good intentions to do my best, in the evening when I lay my head on the pillow, that’s when I want to feel good about myself. That simple. It is who I want to be.

Kindness grows. It manifests itself.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it”. ~Paulo Coelho

Life has a way rewarding us with the intentions that we are setting. Good or bad.

Every morning we start out with a choice. If I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I can start my day over anytime, beginning again.

“Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” ~Abe Lincoln

Chances are good when I’m not being kind then apologies are given and if I continually follow that path, there comes a time when that behavior becomes who I am. Unhappy. Miserable. Life isn’t fun anymore.

So let it begin with me. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

An Aging Perspective

My usual walk in the neighborhood this morning provided me with some insights. I was curious and welcomed the opportunity to look at the world differently.

It felt like any other morning, taking pleasure in my day-to-day familiar path in the neighborhood. What made it different on this daybreak was my awareness of change in the air. The trees lining up on the roadway were filled with rich green leaves, an outbreak of a new Spring season. 

I noticed how the breeze easily swirled, reshaping a new day, a new beginning.

As I approached my residential corner, I was met with bright yellow caution tape swathed around stakes to barricade my normal walkway. Road construction is normal this time of year but I was taken back by how much caution tape there was and it was blocking most of the road. I was at a turning point on this roadway deciding which direction to move forward. I guess it would be easy to turn around and chalk it up to a frustrating journey or take issue with it and find a way to continue. I realized that this portage trail is aligning with my life’s journey. 

My life’s second stanza, the years after sixty rhymes with this morning trek being open to change, finding a new passageway, continuing my stroll this crisp morning with appreciation. This awareness makes me believe that today I can look at arriving at 60 years old as a start of a new season, to move forward effortlessly, as a new light that simply requires to keep going with an abundant gratitude list, enjoying a new season. 

Life has its ups and downs. I decide to move forward with enthusiasm. I realize that throughout my life there has been roadblocks around each corner in every stage in growing and I survived nicely. So why should this be any different? As the leaves change and I transition in my life, we are both witnessing a breakthrough of a new season.  

A new beginning.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Change Your Perspective Then Your Life

Seth Godin said it best... "the way we respond to the things that we can't change can instantly transform our lives."

Sometimes it takes small steps to get to where you want to be.

Changing your perspective and your response could actually reshape the situation and your thinking.

Maybe you can't change the way you feel but you can respond by having faith and by doing the next right thing.

I love to blog. I am inspired by life to share my experiences in my writings. It find it to be a challenge to put my feelings into words. My love of writing kept me going.

Your Turn Challenge helped me to get unstuck. A group of people to support, comment, retweet and inspire you while finding your way through blogging.

Sometimes my mind went blank. But with the 7 day challenge's accountability I kept writing and I was energized! In the past, I used to blog only when a situation inspired me but this pushed me to write every day and I flourished.

Then the 7 days ended. I was missing my tribe.

Today I felt motivated to continued blogging through a Facebook group after reading KG Heath's, "Why Will Finding a Community Improve My Life". He explains, "In a community you can do the impossible." Belonging to a tribe can transform lives. I believe that to be true.

For that I am insanely thankful, as well.

And I am inspired again.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Taking a Flying Leap

It seemed to be a good idea at the time. I was in a place where I was searching for a closer understanding of God, seeking a more spiritually divine connection.

I decided to go Sky Diving, be closer to Heaven, a magical mission to explore and I wanted to sign up.

When I arrived at the location, I felt eager to put my suit on, step on the plane and jump. Looking back on it, I am surprised how unafraid I was because I’m scared of heights. But it just felt so different at the time.

After an hour of Tandem instruction, my jump master and I loaded the plane anticipating the whole exciting experience. As we were connecting our suits together, we jumped out of the plane with ease. I didn’t realize it was a bumpy landing but he apologized and explained that his parachute didn’t open, having to open my chute. I was clueless. All I knew was that the experience was breathtaking. 

And I wanted more.

Next time, I wanted to jump by myself. After an extended class, I suited up with my two jump masters and loaded the plane. There is a protocol to learn and instruction to follow so this time it wasn’t just a free-fall like I anticipated. The jump masters had a checklist of steps I needed to follow and they were very serious about their job. 

Ok. I’m ready.

Our first flight together was so invigorating, taking a long time for the plane to fly to the desired altitude of 14,000 feet. Heaven here we come! All the skydivers were eager to jump, lining up at the door, but before they did, they were trying to get the pilot’s attention because something was wrong. The flaps were not opening to slow the plane down enough for us to jump. After a few minutes, it was fixed and the lined-up men were flying out of the side of the plane with great force! I see how this became quite an adrenaline rush. 

After an amazing jump, we landed safely.

The next flight on another day we had the same routine but as the plane flew to the proper height, ready to jump, we flew into a cloud. I will always remember the tingly feeling on my face from the cloud moisture and its color. I found out later that it wasn’t a good idea to jump while in a cloud due to lack of visibility. Once again, I was living in the moment, enjoying every minute of it. 

I was taken aback by the beauty of God’s creation below and appreciating it. Wow.

Looking back on this and seeing the obstacles that I faced, I thought God was telling me to take a step back; maybe this wasn’t where I needed to be right now. I just didn’t want to see it because I really, really enjoyed being “in Heaven”. I wanted as much as of this glorious experience as I could get. This was life coaching for my soul!

One day while watching TV, there was a plane crash. The owner’s son, my jump master and others died after take-off. The details were blurry. That could have been me! I now realize that God is everywhere, not just in the clouds. I see Him all the time, everywhere: in the serenity of a beautiful sunset; in the beauty of my Grandchildren. 

Every day God blesses me with miracles.

In hindsight, what I have learned is that when I go astray, God winks! If I still don’t get it, He nudges. I finally get it when the brick falls on my head. But regardless of my bruised ribs and bumps on my head, I know it’s not yet my time to take that eternal ride in the clouds. And every moment, every day I cherish and thank God for His blessings and His miracles. Now, if that’s not a spiritually divined connection only God knows what is! 

That’s what I’ve been searching for to begin with. Amen

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Have Everything I Need and Nothing I Want

Day #6 ~ Tell us a time when you surprised yourself.

This is Day 6 of Your Turn Challenge, an initiative to practice the art of shipping by writing one blog post every day for a week.

Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you accept your age and start bragging about it.

It happened one day when it became clear that everything I did up until this point got me here, where I am today. Acceptance of who I am.

I came to the conclusion that the choices I made, all the experiences I had, all brought me here today. It led me to who I am.

It is feeling comfortable in my own skin.

There isn’t anything I would change.

Am I surprised? Yes.

Years ago, I didn’t have this perception. I wanted every decision to be right. I jumped on board with society’s idea of success; owning the right car, looking young and having a lot of money in the bank.

I was left with feeling inadequate, not feeling like I fit in and not excited about life.

Today I am satisfied with looking my age and owning a 1999 Honda, and having just enough in the bank.

As much as it would please me to be rich, what I discovered is the richness of the lesson came when the money showed up when I really needed it. Divine timing.  I wouldn’t have seen the miracle of a plan coming together if I quickly fix it with my disposable income.

There are many perks to being myself.

I am doing what pleases me without worrying about what other people think about me. I am grateful when my husband can replace something that is broken in my ole’ automobile. For now, I chose not to have a car payment.

I am accepting my gray hair and choosing not to dye it anymore. It’ll be fun to see what color it will turn out to be.

I am surprised that I have reached this age having this acceptance.

It wasn’t always easy to make these choices. It could have been nice to look younger but I really like myself when I look in the mirror. I take pleasure riding down the highway with my aging jalopy.

I have everything I need and nothing I want. Life is pretty darn good.

Friday, January 23, 2015

A Puppy, A Gas Station, A Blessing in Disguise

Day #5 ~ #YourTurnChallenge is a 7 day blogging challenge inspired by Seth Godin.

I was ready to leave the humid Florida panhandle, damp maps tucked under my arm for my long journey home to Missouri. In preparing for my trip, my friend’s brother was kind enough to help me with directions and also suggested that I stop at this specific gas station in Alabama before the long trip home for some low-cost quality gasoline.  I was then delayed because I was headed in the wrong direction but found my way back, arriving at the designated gas station. While filling up my tank, an elderly man standing next to my car asked, “Do you want to see my puppies?”  

I peered over to see a weathered cage on his wooded trailer, big enough to carry his five young puppies, a mixture of Boston terrier and Chinese pug.  “Why, yes!” I quickly replied.  They were nestled together on this warm day, experiencing life for the first time away from their mother.  I held the puppy. I couldn’t resist how adorable it was and responded, “You’ll just have to give me one”.  He said, “No, they’re all taken. But you can ask my wife.”  His wife walking from the building looked at me and said yes.  I hastily gathered all of the puppy’s information from her owners, found a box and bought some food and went happily on my way, just me and my puppy.

As my new puppy lay on my lap, I was thinking of what just happened! With all the excitement of being lost, arriving at the gas station, meeting this kind man with all his puppies, and now I find myself with my new pal, an innocent, furry, black little puppy. What just happened? I didn’t recall wanting a puppy but it all happened so fast and I decided just to have faith. I trusted that at some point it will all make sense.

It was a long day so I decided to find a place to stay overnight, even though it would be falling short of my expected destination to Huntsville, Alabama.  The hotel made accommodations for the two of us in the same area with the rest of the pets and their guests.  At the back of the building, there were many acres of grass, small mounds and trees.  I dutifully found the small grassy area where tired animals exercised after a long trip.  I noticed an older lady sitting nearby; noticeably upset and we began to talk.  She said she was passing through town for a short time to rest with her daughter and grandson, heading for Mississippi. They were ready to leave, loading up their van then unexpectedly their dog ran out the door!  As I listened, I felt so bad and said I would pray for its’ safe return. 

As we were talking, we watched my tiny puppy frolicking in the grass. I was commenting on just how precious her pug nose was and how it looked just like a “teddy bear’s face”.  She looked up and tearfully said that Teddy Bear was her lost dog’s name.  When I said those words, I then realized the dog belonged to her.  I quietly said, “I want you to have this puppy”.  Her joyful look on her face told me that I may have indeed come this far to deliver this puppy to her, without being aware of it. All this made sense now. I handed the puppy over to her. Having said my goodbyes, I was on the highway heading home. I was reflecting on everything that happened at the hotel. I see how it all fell into place; leaving Florida at the time that I left; getting lost; arriving at the gas station at that particular time to meet that certain man who gave me this specific puppy, and arriving to this particular hotel at the right moment to meet the lady who lost her dog and having had the opportunity to give her this gift!  Maybe I was the messenger. Maybe it all fell into place just the way it was suppose to happen.  It may be that all along it was their puppy to have. I just delivered it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Adrenalized Aging

Day 4 ~ “Teach us something that you do well” #YourTurnChallenge

Eternal student. Loving life. Inspiring blogger.  Adrenalized aging.

Since birth I questioned things. I like to know why. I wanted to experience life.

Life inspired me to be more adventurous to be more. Learn more. Everything in my life started with an idea, a voice, or a notion, and then jumping into it.


I skydived, free falling 14,000 ft, traveled alone across the country, and hiked Yosemite are some of my own over-50 year efforts. And I’m blogging.

Sometimes I didn’t see the whole picture so I had to trust to move forward. I am grateful that I did. I grew from every experience.

Living life this long gave me reason to believe that everything happens for a reason. Some good. Some not so good. Always something to learn.

Each experience led me to something greater.

I have memories of sitting in the backseat of an old sedan, traveling with my mom and her sister across the country to visit her friends and not enjoying it. It was on a budget. It was fun when my cousin came and we giggled all the time even though it wasn’t a ‘kid vacation to Disney World’, I made the best of it.

Years later, I look back on those times and see how it made me who I am today.  What it gave me was the open-road awareness of anything is possible on a budget and seeing my mom doing something she was passionate about.

Now I remember and appreciate their funny and insightful conversations. I see it now as a comfortable experience that I grew up in, giving me the confidence and freedom I needed today to explore my life even more deeply. Freedom of the open road.

In September, my friends and I are planning a cross country road trip to Yosemite, on a budget. Another adventure. 

What’s next for today?

Challenging myself blogging every day with deep inner feelings of prospective in my life.

Eternal student. Loving life. Inspiring blogger.  Adrenalized aging. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What If I Fall...

 On Day 3 on my #YourTurnChallenge.

“Tell us about something that you think should be improved”

What if I fall, Oh my darling, what if you fly?

Midlife has some perks. When you reach this age, a realization comes that you did the best you could with what you had at the time. 

There isn't anything you could have done differently and the past is behind you so acceptance is ideally what you desire.

Everyone has regrets, that’s human nature. There are some amends you can do but time has a way of moving past some memories for people. So what’s left?


All the time that I have spent helping, nurturing, comforting others has not been wasted because I am grateful that it’s in my nature to love.

I am at the time of my life where gratitude is alive and well. 

Is it because I have more time now on my hands to look at me?

Midlife gives me the opportunity to explore and discover a deeper meaning of myself.

I am ready for the challenge.

What does it mean to me? Doing things differently.

Looking at my life with new eyes. Questioning the way I've been doing things.

Recently I took a trip to Columbia, Missouri. I pride myself in being prepared. This time, I trusted where my destination was, not gripping my phone with the Maps APP. The directions were vague. I shut off my phone and enjoyed the ride. The good news is that I found it! Check that off the list.

While driving down the highway, I interrupted my thoughts of ‘wishing to travel more’ to a place of gratitude of ‘I am traveling now’ moving into the light-bulb moment of reality. I am grateful.

Speed or not to speed. I give myself permission to take my time, slow down and appreciate being a tourist.

Exercise is key to my health. I love to walk in nature. It is wintry cold outside. I chose to walk the stairs many times to reach my goal.

Keep it simple. One step at a time.


First I pay attention to the way it feels on my body when I’m doing something differently. I pause. Breathe. I take the time to explore my feelings. How am I feeling about all of this? When I’m ready, I move forward and trust the process. 

A change in my thinking has really diminished my fear. When I got busy, I got better. 

For me, it really is that simple.

What if I fall, Oh my darling, what if you fly?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Columbian Jaunt

Columbia, Missouri

With so much to see, one could spend more than a weekend exploring Columbia, Missouri. This Midwest gem is located in northern mid-Missouri, 120 miles west from St. Louis, and one of my favorite places to visit. As a college town, the city has a reputation and a huge emphasis on education but its main street charm with art stores, coffee shops, makes the trip worthwhile.

My first stop was Fretboard Coffee, located on Walnut Street, is a family owned business that prides themselves on “each cup of rich, harmoniously blended Fretboard coffee that touches your lips will be roasted just for you”.

Meeting Austin, the Barista, was really fun! He created a Chia blend with espresso and topped it with a heart! Delicious! Austin has a sense of heartfelt passion that shows in his work! 

Next stop was meeting Sami at the Root Cellar Grocery. Their mission statement is to support Missouri’s diverse farmers and artisan food products by providing a high-quality outlet for consumers. They are a retail grocery store in downtown Columbia that features Missouri-raised farm and food products. It was fun listening to Sami, explaining the grocery’s Box Program with passion. It is a weekly food subscription program to make healthy, local eating convenient and affordable. I agree that buying local food changes everything. Sami was delightful!

As an avid crystal admirer, my trip was made complete by checking the local crystal shops. The Wild West store was the high point of my trip! I loved talking with Don, the owner as he has many years of experience with crystals and gems. I bought a beautiful Chinese turquoise necklace that I treasure!

When planning my trip, I came across Boone County Museum & Galleries located at 3801 Ponderosa Street. It is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and interpreting local and regional history. By the early 1980’s, the Society drafted plans for the museum and began to seek public support for its construction. It was completed almost entirely with private contributions, volunteer and donated materials. In 1994, the Montiminy Gallery was built highlighting the work of regional artists.  I took a walk around the beautiful grounds to see an Italianate style house that was built in 1877, also found on the property was a carriage house and a lake. Talking with another admirer, I learned of a Heritage festival they have in September. That is definitely another reason to visit again soon.

These are just the highlights what I saw on this trip to Columbia. The different variety of places really intrigued me to come back soon to explore more of their diverse city. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

What Does It Matter?

I accepted a Challenge! Writing 1 blog post every day for 7 days. It began when I first started reading Seth Godin's Blog, it unleashed my writing adventure. 

Today is my first day! I am excited for this new adventure!

Day # 1

What does it matter if I take this challenge or not? 

I can think of many things I could do instead.  So why would I consider this? 

Let’s begin to explore.

Question 1: Why am I doing the Your Turn Challenge?

Reason 1 ~ I discovered a passion of writing that I truly enjoy.

Reason 2 ~ This is an innovative way to grow experimentally.

Reason 3 ~ Because if I don’t get on board, then I believe I will let myself down.

Reason 4 ~ I am giving myself permission to keep it simple.

Reason 5 ~ I am ready to move forward in being my creative self.

Reason 6 ~ I believe that I will grow in many ways.

Reason 7 ~ Wanting to explore an uncomfortable path I was afraid of.

Reason 8 ~ I’m ready.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fighting For My Seat

After listening to words of wisdom at a recent retreat, I wanted to express my gratitude to the speaker so I got in line to talk to him.

What I heard in his speech was encouraging, honoring my feelings of being valued. I walked away with inspiration, understanding at a deeper level that everything and everyone has worth and what we say is important. 

I was up next.

There were people scattered around talking, among them was my friend standing next to me.

When it came to my turn, two men suddenly jumped ahead of me and started talking with the speaker.

Wait a minute. What just happened?

Didn't they see me? I was next.

Standing there feeling humiliated, my friend validated my feelings, telling me I deserved my place in line, ironically hearing the same message from the speaker. 

Feeling empowered, I nudged myself forward, squirming my way to where I belonged, fighting for my seat.

I have value. What I have to say is important. It’s my turn.

It was one of those times when I had that ‘aha’ moment, then a chance to experience the lesson at the same time. It was divine timing.

The first words that came out of my mouth was, ‘I am fighting for my seat’, and we all felt the spirit of the lesson.

Is there a time in your life when your place in line has been threatened? Do you have to fight for your seat?

Everyone has value and what we say is important.

For me, it all came together in a moment of clarity just when I needed to hear it.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

There are times...
When the best thing you can do is not think...
Not wonder,
Not imagine,
Not obsess,
Just breathe...
and have faith
that everything will work out for the best.

At this moment, keeping it simple. Pause. Pray. Proceed.

Doing the next right thing is all that might be necessary.