Saturday, February 28, 2015

An Adventure With A Surprising Purpose

Continuing with my 100-word blog challenge...

My long trek home was met with delays by a presidential motorcade then heading in the wrong direction, finally arriving at a designated gas station for low cost gasoline. While fueling, I met a couple looking to find a home for their puppies. Unexpectedly, with puppy in tow, we both are heading home together.

Finding a place to rest, I met a distressed lady who had just lost her dog. It was then I realized that all of my delays led me to this place, at this time, to be a messenger to bring this particular puppy to this lady. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

People Who Need People

As a massage therapist, I awakened a desire to bring comfort to hospice patients at the end of their lives. What I get in return is so much more rewarding. 

Violet was a devout, God-fearing woman who was loved by all and inspired me. Bella was alone, harboring resentments, empty in her faith. 

What separated them was a hallway in their facility. What they shared were my visits. 

Each time I saw them brought more of the same until I noticed the staff was more attentive to Violet’s needs. 

Bella needed Violet. 

My mission that day was to introduce them.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day One: My 100-Word Blog Challenge

My Oxford American Thesaurus defines a challenge as stimulate, inspire and excite. When it presents itself, it’s up to me whether I want to meet it and greet it or not.

I’m in a freelancing class and it’s stimulating me to explore my writing deeper. Task: Inspiring me to write a query letter and exploring topics.

Not excited yet. Why would I accept? Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, “…you must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Challenge: Post a 100-word blog for 7 days.

Goal: Submit to Reader’s Digest True Story Publication.

Day One, blog is completed!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

3 Ways to Jump Start Your Vision Into Reality

Sometimes taking simple measures toward your purpose could be all it takes to jump start your vision into reality.  

It came to me this morning when I was journaling, how effortless this passage can be if I keep it simple. I embraced my passage by trusting the signs along the way even when it didn’t make any sense to me. 

More clarity came when I trusted this process which led me to the realization of getting closer to my dream of hiking national parks, teaching workshops and blogging the journey. 

Yes, it could be frustrating sometimes especially when it becomes confusing but I found it to be a normal step in the process. All the pieces of the puzzle will come together nicely someday, when I least expect it. 

I’d like to share with you some ideas that worked for me.

Listening to what feels right. When I want something different, it means doing something different. What’s not working in your life? Be honest. Are you surrounding yourself with people who inspire you? Listening to your gut is a good place to start. Spend less time with people, places and things that don’t believe in your dreams and goals. You will move forward faster if you keep in touch with someone who understands you.

Finding a source of inspiration.  I begin my day with a routine that energizes me. It sets my vision into action. When I place my copper spiral pendant around my neck, it feels like I’m putting a key in the ignition of my inspiration. When I’m overcome with many things to do, I ground myself by writing 3 pages. It ‘drains my brain’ and it helps me to decide what’s essential to do next. Find something that works for you.

Make a website that best describes you. It’s a great lesson to bring into light the real you. Even if you don’t know where to begin, just do it. Most times when I’m on this journey to ‘find myself’, it usually doesn’t come in a message all at once. It’s a process. Start with describing yourself on a simple website or blogspot. Blogging is a powerful way to unfold your destiny. Find the avenue of your communication that you can do now. Keep it simple. Walk through your fear of doing it right. You’ll make mistakes along the way but remember it’s a passage to uncover the real you and your destiny. Trust.

What I’m discovering is that it’s easier to accept abundance when I am rested, taking care of myself and keeping in touch with people who understands my journey. That is when I am most open to receive. It’s about keeping things simple. Most importantly, I believe that God has a wonderful plan for me. I decide each day to trust the process, breathe deeply and have some fun.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Healing Chakras

The chakra system is used as a method for achieving wholeness while pursuing a healing journey to restore the balance in our mind, body and spirit.

What are chakras? 

Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy located just in front of the spine and positioned from the tailbone to the crown of the head. They are spinning wheels of light. The word ‘chakras’ comes from the eastern culture, meaning ‘wheel’ in the Sanskrit language.

Life is energy. The same energy force that flows through plants, animals, all through life, flows through us. The chakras are a map of our inner world, and how our relationship balances to the outside world, how we experience life.

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about hiking in nature while sitting at your desk in a high rise building? The 1st Chakra helps to bring awareness of our human need to connect with Mother Earth.

The chakra model provides us with a way of identifying the type of energy that we’re experiencing and the tools to make us feel whole again. The awareness of how we feel and identifying the source of our unhappiness is key to liberating our self. 

ls low self esteem holding you back from your destiny? The 3rd Chakra empowers us to discover our potential to motivate us to fulfill our goals.

Using the chakra system is an effective way to access the various levels of our consciousness, our self awareness. It is a guide to our inner world.

There are many ways to address each chakra for each individual awareness:
  • Connecting a sense to our surroundings with the 1st Root Chakra by planting a vegetable garden or carving a pumpkin.
  • Identifying with our 2nd Sacral Chakra with a sense of pleasure by playing calm music and dancing like no one’s watching.
  • Empowering our self with the 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra by defining our boundaries and taking a few minutes from our busy schedule to take care of ourselves.
  • Transitioning our self to the spirit of our higher chakras by gifting someone an anonymous loving deed to connect with our 4th Heart Chakra.
  • Using our creative expression for our 5th Throat Chakra by singing and painting to communicate our artistry, our true self.
  • What inspires you? The 6th Third Eye Chakra suggests meditating on dreaming of our inner soul passions.
  • Liberation and true freedom comes with connecting with the Divine on our 7th Chakra.
David Pond, author of Chakras for Beginners described it best, “The dance of ego, soul, and spirit takes place within the chakras.” It is a rainbow journey through the chakras that enlightens the energies to fulfill our wholeness to our inner spirit to become what our heart desires.

I created a workshop where we explore into our self-awareness using the chakra system. In this class we focus on our relationship with the seven levels of energy: survival, pleasure, love, creativity, intuition, and spirituality. An enlightening and experiential workshop.

If you would like to know more about my workshops, please visit my website for information.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Bottom Line

Reflections on my next adventure...

I will live passionately by doing my work and trusting that I will be taken care of.

All of my needs and desires are met. It is all there waiting for me.

I have a drive to do something that I’m not comfortable with, yet...      “I am going to suck until I suck less” Progressive Insurance Lady

Moving forward by doing my passion is all it takes to live an abundant life.

God has a wonderful plan for me.

I realize I can live this life on my terms.

Pay attention to all the goodness and believe it.

God is good.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Betting On Yourself To Win

“I’m all in” is what you may hear in a card game when a player bets all of his money on a winning poker hand.

A commitment he makes that he is confident that his hand is going to win.

It’s the luck of the draw. Taking a chance on how it’s going to turn out.

A gutsy move or playing it safe.

Different occasions impact decisions. Sometimes we face our fear, jump in, betting we can do it. Other times we don’t.

We make this decision all the time. 

At the end of your life, will you look back and see that you played your ‘hand’ well? Did you have an ‘all in’ attitude, betting on yourself to win?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Not 'Shoulding' On Myself

While looking at a sock left behind in my washer, I’m reminded that this happens way too many times.  Could this be blamed on getting older and forgetful? 

I’m not willing to surrender, yet. Today I have a different perspective.

Now I see a gratitude list.

I gladly leave behind any ‘shoulds’ and reflect what I really ‘want’ to do.

My decision to wear comfortable clothes builds my confidence in not worrying about ‘fitting in’ to what the fashion expects think.

Accepting what is ‘normal’ in my life, what other people think is none of my business.

Being ok with not knowing what tomorrow will bring, God has got it covered.

The ‘leaving behind’ theory means that my children are healthy adults and now it’s my turn to ‘raise’ a happy and healthy aging woman.

There is a freedom in my life today that gives me permission to say no when I want to and yes when it feels right. This gives me an opportunity to love with all my heart and live in gratitude.

What I am discovering is that 'it is what it is' and realizing that I don't have to be perfect, not being so hard on myself. Doing the best I can is enough.

Welcome to my bountiful midlife adventure!

Three Sisters

Three sisters age 92, 94 and 96 live in a house together.
One night the 96 year old draws a bath, puts her foot in and pauses.
She yells down the stairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"
The 94 year old yells back, "I don't know, I'll come up and see."
She starts up the stairs and pauses, then she yells,
"Was I going up the stairs or coming down?"
The 92 year old was sitting at the kitchen table having tea
listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says,
"I sure hope I never get that forgetful." She knocks
on wood for good measure. She then yells,
"I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door."

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Revelation on Cruise Control

We're familiar with people setting goals living out their dreams. Whether it’s a thorough business plan or an item checked off a bucket list, we want to fulfill our destiny following our path.

Everyone has a different path. We all have our stories. I’d like to share mine.

Looking back I realize that I’ve always wanted to learn more and just be happy. A simple approach maybe, but not easy. It took courage for me to trust this process.

Some years ago, I worked retail while looking for my next serious job. Close to home and wearing jeans seemed like a comfortable place to work for a while.

I let go of a facade of contentment of working happily in an office. I just didn’t fit in.

While at work one day, I struck up a conversation with the phone operator in a busy room. A fellow employee took the opportunity to massage my shoulders, probably noticed that I was tense. I said thanks.

Much to my surprise, a clear strong voice echoed a message that I will never forget. ‘You got the hands for this’!

Looking around to see if anyone else heard the same voice I did, it then dawned on me that this was a message for me.

I reluctantly made a pact with God. He brought me this awareness so He will have to work out the details. And I let it go. Simple but not easy.

I was challenged to trust something that I had no control over. No clue.

I never received or given a massage and my bank account didn’t support this opportunity that I’ve been given.

My dream was not to be a massage therapist. Remember I just wanted to be happy. Everything seemed to unfold like a well-written success story.

People started showing up to help me along my journey. A friend encouraged me to check into a massage school. When I walked into the door, I confidently signed up without understanding why. Money suddenly appeared in my depleted account. Everything seemed to be working out for my highest good.

The whole process was unfolding like a well-planned business goal. I can clearly see that my job was to listen and follow the next right thing. It felt like I was on automatic cruise control.

Things started to happen quickly. Later I was asked to teach massage & theory in school.

One day a friend suggested I read a magazine article on deep tissue technique, it was then I discovered Indian Head Massage. After becoming a practitioner, I discovered my passion to teach and created workshops for continuing education for therapists.

It’s a fascinating story how this all came together because I wasn’t in charge of any of it. No knowledge or experience, no childhood dream. It makes me wonder what else I could accomplish when I surrender. Let go and let God.

Since 2007, I have been teaching numerous workshops across my home state Missouri. I am fulfilling a dream of traveling while teaching workshops in Florida and California. I meet incredible people all the time.

A dream come true.

Monday, February 9, 2015

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

On a Sunday morning, we were on our way to a local bookstore in a Mall. It’s a treat to read their books while enjoying our favorite hot beverage.

As we pulled into the area, I was not surprised to find many other people had the same idea. The parking lot was full.

I find it interesting to watch how my husband pulls in with confidence, knowing that the perfect close-to-the-door parking place is waiting for him.

With my curiosity and keen observation, I watched how he managed not to settle for the far-away-spot but confident he is on his way to find the perfect one nearest the door. 

Not today I thought.

At first, we found no availability. So I was convinced that this time would be different, in a quick defeat, I was willing to walk the distance to the door.

As our truck rolled into the area closest to our destiny, I was secretly snickering that this time it wouldn't happen.

Much to my surprise, there it was, waiting for him, an ideal spot nearest the door. In my disbelief, he rejoiced as he pulled his truck in with confidence.

I was curious why.

My conclusion was that he never doubted his abilities to find the perfect spot. My husband believed it would have happened all along.

Once again, I was reminded that the chances are good that if you believe it’s going to happen, it will.

Confidence in your abilities goes a long way.

Just ask my husband.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Working Straight From My Heart

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt

In the early 1950’s, my traditional upbringing was probably similar to many families growing up in that generation. My three older sisters finished high school, got an office job, married and started a family.

So why was my life going to be different?

When I reflect over my life, I see that I was given this drive to do things straight from my heart. I didn’t want to settle for less.

This gave me awareness that if I didn’t love what I do, then I couldn’t be excited about life and it would become dull.

When I was massaging hospice patients, some told me that they wished they could have done things differently. They are in a place now when there’s no turning back. I’ll never forget that.

Along the way, I discovered that I love to massage and teach workshops. I found a passion to blog my way through my adventures and sharing it through social media.

Today I can honestly say I work straight from my heart.

I teach continuing education workshops to massage therapists. 

It is a soulful experience. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Enticing Your Future, NFL Style

Needing some inspiration to move forward with your passion?

Bookings, South Dakota. Population 22,056.

The closest NFL team in this area is a 4 hour drive and yet this town has a big stake in the super bowl because this is where the NFL goes up in lights.

South Dakota electronics company, Daktronics began the race to build the biggest and most vivid scoreboards in football.

If you’re surprised that something that big comes from a small place, the CEO says that is one of the real mental hurdles that they have to overcome. It doesn’t fit society’s normal scenario. 

It all started in 1968 on the campus of South Dakota University with 2 friendly engineering professors. They were looking for a way to help their students find local jobs but also enticing engineering students to attend their college. The graduates were leaving the state and they thought they should do something to keep their students in town.

The 2 professors started a company Daktronics and rented space in a tire repair shop just off Main Street.

They didn’t have a product when they started, every accomplishment they celebrated in those days.

They finally put their engineering minds together to build a scoreboard for wrestling matches. It was revolutionary and they never looked back since.

If someone was interested in building another scoreboard, they were willing to do that.

The turning point for their business was in 1980 they made a scoreboard for the winter Olympics in Lake Placid.

Today they hold the distinction of building the largest video displays in sports. 

Specifically, the one installed in the Jacksonville Jaguars. Two screens, each screen is bigger than the field they play in. 362 feet long and 6 stories high. 9 Million dollars apiece.

The NFL was counting on bigger being better. Getting a way to entice the fans off their comfy couch to buy tickets to see the spectacle in person. There are many great reasons to stay home watching your big television. They wanted to give fans another experience that they can find in a venue. This is 4 times better than you get at home.

The screens have millions of LCDs about the size of a small thumbtack, spaced about a half inch apart. Standing near them is impossible to view the whole picture. 

All your eyes cluster on is the colors but back away then the clusters miraculously blend together in a portrait in vivid detail.

In the early 80’s, only 22% of engineering graduates actually found work in Brookings, South Dakota. Today, there is a whopping 62% attending the Daktronics Engineering Hall.

Daktronics have just been awarded a contract to build the biggest scoreboard to date. It’s called a halo board; it will ring the top of the new Atlanta stadium. The only way this screen will become bigger is for the stadium itself to grow.

Could the screens get any bigger?

The 2 retired professors say it depends on how large the checkbook is.

What I have learned from this…

I don’t have to worry about how something is going to turn out. Trust the process by following my passion and surrendering the outcome.

When I am brave enough to follow this path, others will benefit as well.

You may not see the whole picture up close, just stand back and see it in vivid color.

CBS News Sunday Morning

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Soulful Hospice Journal

Sharing this journal when I was a Hospice Massage Therapist...

Today I attended a wake, a life-celebration, for a young man who died at the young age of 27 years old. 

I first met Decarlo in a nursing home. I was very reluctant when I saw the Hospice Order requesting massage to help his muscle spasms and depression. A feeling of discomfort in my stomach came over me because I have a son that age.  

I didn’t know I would have the strength to comfort someone who is dying so young.

My apprehension came true when I walked into the room and found a young man laying in bed, immobile, noticing a TV, a form of entertainment perched on a stand next to his bed keeping him company. 

His diagnosis left his young body lying in his bed, not able to move; his eyes could only move. He and I didn’t know what to expect when I introduced myself, why I was there. 

He was frustrated. He wasn’t able to communicate, the call-button securely in his hand, wondering how he would ever be able to use it.

I stood there not knowing what to do. All my experiences led me here but I felt paralyzed with the thought of not knowing where to begin. Was I able to help him? 

God only knows.

I recognized the patients that were there in the facility; the wheelchairs in the hallway, the sounds of patients moaning, realizing days gone by, wishing their life was different. The room he was in had a few more beds reminiscing of how diseases could affect a person’s body at the end of their lives.

So I began to help him find some comfort for his young body where anxiety has nestled in for quite some time. I was armed with the knowledge of what I was capable of doing and also grateful for the humility of needing God’s help. 

It was a moment where my feelings could have gotten the best of me, easily could have cried but I had a job to do. I left after giving a heartfelt massage, not thinking I made a difference but knowing I surely tried. 

I just wasn’t sure how I can help him.

So weeks went by, bringing in music to soothe his spirit with the hopes of comforting his anxiety. His body lay motionless. No words were spoken. 

Our communication grew. Over time, the music seemed to console his roommate, as well, and eventually the staff came in more often, drawn in by an oasis of peacefulness.  My patient seemed to be getting more comfortable.  As time went by, I understood more of what I could do to help, reassuring him and comforting him. 

He began to look forward to our visits. And so was I.

Decarlo would patiently show me what was working for him like motioning with his eyes that his neck was bothering him and we found that removing his pillow for our sessions gave him an opportunity to stretch his neck. We started to learn how to communicate. I discovered that I didn’t need the alphabet sign to spell out his words; his eyes were working nicely to help him communicate. Moving his eyes upward to adjust the head of his bed or his eyes turning in different directions so I can make the adjustments for him to watch TV, making him more and more comfortable. 

We were making progress.

Every Wednesday, I would look forward to our visits, compressing his worn joints, improving circulation the best I could. I would end the session with cleaning his eye glasses, repositioning him to watch TV and returning his call-button to his hand, just in case he needed it. I realized that it was a comfort measure for him giving him that security that help was close, even if he wasn’t able to use it.

I was beginning to wonder how he spent his time in quiet and in solitude. I soon realized that it is possible to have serenity when you’re all alone. That it doesn’t take material things to find your inner happiness. How much we take for granted! That at some point in your life, all you have is yourself and God. And the serenity you will find is found within.

Weeks turned into months, and patience showed me how it helped our visits to ease anxiety and gain comfort. We had a routine that was really working. My patient liked jazz music, strawberry shakes, and a favorite prayer.  There were days I joked with him when he was giving me a hard time just like my son does. 

  • I have learned patience is important. 
  • I have learned to be grateful in my capabilities to live a full life, that I do have all I need to fulfill a Purposeful life. We all do.  
  • I have learned that a person can find peace even when they cannot move. 
  • I have learned that you can communicate without talking. 
  • And touch is a fundamental need for everyone. 
  • That it may be the simple things that truly make you happy.

Then the sad news came one day. His mother died. It was devastating and heartbreaking news.

As days grew into months, Decarlo started to decline. He didn’t look the same, having lost weight and refusing food. I understand it is our business caring for someone near the end of their life, and I thought I kept that in prospective. 

I was sad for what was coming.

Understanding that I am only with my patients a short time at the end of their lives, but this time I felt very close to this dear young man. In my heart, I foolishly thought I could make it all better. 

But it is not about me. Was it ever? 

I have learned that my best efforts could not control what God’s plan is. 

And then I realized what a special opportunity this was to experience love on a core level!

Helping Decarlo really gave me a sense of deep spiritual giving. 

For that I am grateful. And this lesson came unexpectedly. 

It came through the eyes of a young man.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Simple Task to Become You

There is an advantage of having a routine in my daily life. It offers me stability and comfort. I thrive in that environment.

Since I have been exploring a deeper sense of who I am, I make it a point of doing things I don’t ordinarily do.  Out of my routine. Different.

When I reach a level of comfort, sometimes I become stagnant; stop growing and I lose my inspiration. Uncomfortable as it may be, doing something different can help me to move forward, challenging me to grow.

A mother can relate when her toddler outgrows their infant size clothes, replacing it with a size that better fits them.

Someone fresh out of college may work at a doldrum job to gain experience then follows her visionary path in a different field.

I love to write but it doesn’t come naturally. I challenged myself to join Seth Godin’s Your Turn Challenge, blogging for 7 days. It changed my life’s perspective by doing the difficult task of describing in detail my thoughts, feelings and inspirations. A life changing experience.

A routine can be comforting but when you lose your inspiration and realize that it’s not working anymore, I encourage you to make a commitment to challenge yourself by moving out of your ordinary routine. Chances are better that you will discover more about yourself and become the person you really want to be.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Frustrated? Are You Forcing An Outcome?

Becoming frustrated when things don’t happen the way we think they should.

Trying to figure things out, forcing an outcome, creates discontent.

Finding peace in the situation clears your frantic mind and opens up to a more valuable solution.

Notice whether you are reacting automatically or taking a moment to pause, pray and then proceed.

It may be necessary to simply be with the discomfort of not knowing.

Forcing an outcome is based on the illusion that you are your ego and you are in charge. Being attached to something happening in a particular way (my way) and maybe not seeing it another way, can limit your possibilities to a better outcome.

Practice being aware that there is a gap between your experiences and your responses to them.

Trust yourself or the universe enough to move forward.

Doing the next right thing in the next moment.

Trust your inner knowing in order to avoid possible painful consequences in the short term.

If there is any doubt in the best way to respond – just WAIT.

The answer will come when it’s time.

It will come as a certainty that has no charge to it.

Trust the process.