Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Healing Chakras

The chakra system is used as a method for achieving wholeness while pursuing a healing journey to restore the balance in our mind, body and spirit.

What are chakras? 

Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy located just in front of the spine and positioned from the tailbone to the crown of the head. They are spinning wheels of light. The word ‘chakras’ comes from the eastern culture, meaning ‘wheel’ in the Sanskrit language.

Life is energy. The same energy force that flows through plants, animals, all through life, flows through us. The chakras are a map of our inner world, and how our relationship balances to the outside world, how we experience life.

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about hiking in nature while sitting at your desk in a high rise building? The 1st Chakra helps to bring awareness of our human need to connect with Mother Earth.

The chakra model provides us with a way of identifying the type of energy that we’re experiencing and the tools to make us feel whole again. The awareness of how we feel and identifying the source of our unhappiness is key to liberating our self. 

ls low self esteem holding you back from your destiny? The 3rd Chakra empowers us to discover our potential to motivate us to fulfill our goals.

Using the chakra system is an effective way to access the various levels of our consciousness, our self awareness. It is a guide to our inner world.

There are many ways to address each chakra for each individual awareness:
  • Connecting a sense to our surroundings with the 1st Root Chakra by planting a vegetable garden or carving a pumpkin.
  • Identifying with our 2nd Sacral Chakra with a sense of pleasure by playing calm music and dancing like no one’s watching.
  • Empowering our self with the 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra by defining our boundaries and taking a few minutes from our busy schedule to take care of ourselves.
  • Transitioning our self to the spirit of our higher chakras by gifting someone an anonymous loving deed to connect with our 4th Heart Chakra.
  • Using our creative expression for our 5th Throat Chakra by singing and painting to communicate our artistry, our true self.
  • What inspires you? The 6th Third Eye Chakra suggests meditating on dreaming of our inner soul passions.
  • Liberation and true freedom comes with connecting with the Divine on our 7th Chakra.
David Pond, author of Chakras for Beginners described it best, “The dance of ego, soul, and spirit takes place within the chakras.” It is a rainbow journey through the chakras that enlightens the energies to fulfill our wholeness to our inner spirit to become what our heart desires.

I created a workshop where we explore into our self-awareness using the chakra system. In this class we focus on our relationship with the seven levels of energy: survival, pleasure, love, creativity, intuition, and spirituality. An enlightening and experiential workshop.

If you would like to know more about my workshops, please visit my website for information.

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