Sunday, February 22, 2015

3 Ways to Jump Start Your Vision Into Reality

Sometimes taking simple measures toward your purpose could be all it takes to jump start your vision into reality.  

It came to me this morning when I was journaling, how effortless this passage can be if I keep it simple. I embraced my passage by trusting the signs along the way even when it didn’t make any sense to me. 

More clarity came when I trusted this process which led me to the realization of getting closer to my dream of hiking national parks, teaching workshops and blogging the journey. 

Yes, it could be frustrating sometimes especially when it becomes confusing but I found it to be a normal step in the process. All the pieces of the puzzle will come together nicely someday, when I least expect it. 

I’d like to share with you some ideas that worked for me.

Listening to what feels right. When I want something different, it means doing something different. What’s not working in your life? Be honest. Are you surrounding yourself with people who inspire you? Listening to your gut is a good place to start. Spend less time with people, places and things that don’t believe in your dreams and goals. You will move forward faster if you keep in touch with someone who understands you.

Finding a source of inspiration.  I begin my day with a routine that energizes me. It sets my vision into action. When I place my copper spiral pendant around my neck, it feels like I’m putting a key in the ignition of my inspiration. When I’m overcome with many things to do, I ground myself by writing 3 pages. It ‘drains my brain’ and it helps me to decide what’s essential to do next. Find something that works for you.

Make a website that best describes you. It’s a great lesson to bring into light the real you. Even if you don’t know where to begin, just do it. Most times when I’m on this journey to ‘find myself’, it usually doesn’t come in a message all at once. It’s a process. Start with describing yourself on a simple website or blogspot. Blogging is a powerful way to unfold your destiny. Find the avenue of your communication that you can do now. Keep it simple. Walk through your fear of doing it right. You’ll make mistakes along the way but remember it’s a passage to uncover the real you and your destiny. Trust.

What I’m discovering is that it’s easier to accept abundance when I am rested, taking care of myself and keeping in touch with people who understands my journey. That is when I am most open to receive. It’s about keeping things simple. Most importantly, I believe that God has a wonderful plan for me. I decide each day to trust the process, breathe deeply and have some fun.


  1. I realize Nike came up with their slogan 'Just Do It' to convince people to buy shoes. But it's become a mantra for so many in other fields.
    DO IT. Fake it until you become it.

    1. It's a simple message for me, Monica. I guess simple but not easy. I like 'fake it until you become it'. Thank you!

  2. This is great advice, Ann - and so meaningful once we actually are honest with ourselves and give ourselves permission to follow our gut.

    1. Yes Nydia becoming honest with myself is a life process, to be authentic. Thank you!
