Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Revelation on Cruise Control

We're familiar with people setting goals living out their dreams. Whether it’s a thorough business plan or an item checked off a bucket list, we want to fulfill our destiny following our path.

Everyone has a different path. We all have our stories. I’d like to share mine.

Looking back I realize that I’ve always wanted to learn more and just be happy. A simple approach maybe, but not easy. It took courage for me to trust this process.

Some years ago, I worked retail while looking for my next serious job. Close to home and wearing jeans seemed like a comfortable place to work for a while.

I let go of a facade of contentment of working happily in an office. I just didn’t fit in.

While at work one day, I struck up a conversation with the phone operator in a busy room. A fellow employee took the opportunity to massage my shoulders, probably noticed that I was tense. I said thanks.

Much to my surprise, a clear strong voice echoed a message that I will never forget. ‘You got the hands for this’!

Looking around to see if anyone else heard the same voice I did, it then dawned on me that this was a message for me.

I reluctantly made a pact with God. He brought me this awareness so He will have to work out the details. And I let it go. Simple but not easy.

I was challenged to trust something that I had no control over. No clue.

I never received or given a massage and my bank account didn’t support this opportunity that I’ve been given.

My dream was not to be a massage therapist. Remember I just wanted to be happy. Everything seemed to unfold like a well-written success story.

People started showing up to help me along my journey. A friend encouraged me to check into a massage school. When I walked into the door, I confidently signed up without understanding why. Money suddenly appeared in my depleted account. Everything seemed to be working out for my highest good.

The whole process was unfolding like a well-planned business goal. I can clearly see that my job was to listen and follow the next right thing. It felt like I was on automatic cruise control.

Things started to happen quickly. Later I was asked to teach massage & theory in school.

One day a friend suggested I read a magazine article on deep tissue technique, it was then I discovered Indian Head Massage. After becoming a practitioner, I discovered my passion to teach and created workshops for continuing education for therapists.

It’s a fascinating story how this all came together because I wasn’t in charge of any of it. No knowledge or experience, no childhood dream. It makes me wonder what else I could accomplish when I surrender. Let go and let God.

Since 2007, I have been teaching numerous workshops across my home state Missouri. I am fulfilling a dream of traveling while teaching workshops in Florida and California. I meet incredible people all the time.

A dream come true.


  1. Ann, I so enjoy that you are telling your stories as they strike you. They are so human and poignant. They matter and you matter. Thanks for sharing because I am feeling very shaky on this entrepreneur path and I've had way scarier times than this and was able to lean in and find miracles everywhere. I'd like to find that sweet spot again. xo

    1. Miriam, you always have what it takes, just believe. I saw your website and it's inspiring! Keep shipping, exploring and having fun. I love your energy!

    2. Oh Miriam! I was just reading your blog posts yesterday. Really? You are fabulous and inspiring... and yes, I do hear you... We put the best of ourselves out there and meanwhile it feels like we're standing on shaky ground. And yet, there you go- inspiring others all the while.

  2. What an inspiring story you have, Ann. It's so cool to see someone "older than 29" taking bold steps, trusting, and walking in faith.

    1. Susan, I appreciate your encouragement. I'm having so much fun that I have to remember that I am "older than 29"! lol My new mantra is 'taking bold steps, trusting and walking in faith', love it!

  3. This is wild Ann! I was just talking to one of my massage clients yesterday about Indian head massage! Whenever I get back to FL I have one coming from a friend I used to barter with who was an amazing practitioner. I went to her for Thai massage and she used to get sound healing sessions from me. We decided for my last treatment before I left to move back up to RI that my next treatment would be a head massage but I never made it back to her! :-(
    Maybe sometime our trips to FL will overlap and I can take one of your workshops. I would LOVE to learn the Indian method. Years before I became a massage therapist when I was just starting out as a sound healing practitioner I took a workshop on stress relieving head massage at an Aveda salon. I always incorporated it into my sound healing treatments. I also teach sound healing as a complimentary therapy as a CE provider for Florida LMT's. Haven't gotten the NCBTMB provider approval yet because their application is so daunting! Maybe the Your Turn Challenge can help me move forward with that too though, now that it's gotten me blogging every day! Here's to Seth Godin, Winnie Kao, YTC and Indian head massage! Cheers ;-)

  4. That's amazing, Rosie. I am also a provider for Florida LMT's! Don't give up on NCBTMB, you'll be glad you did. Doors will open. Maybe your friend took my workshop in Florida in June, 2013! Your workshop sounds awesome. Wouldn't it be cool someday we attend yours and mine workshop? What a small world! Thank you for responding!
