Monday, February 9, 2015

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

On a Sunday morning, we were on our way to a local bookstore in a Mall. It’s a treat to read their books while enjoying our favorite hot beverage.

As we pulled into the area, I was not surprised to find many other people had the same idea. The parking lot was full.

I find it interesting to watch how my husband pulls in with confidence, knowing that the perfect close-to-the-door parking place is waiting for him.

With my curiosity and keen observation, I watched how he managed not to settle for the far-away-spot but confident he is on his way to find the perfect one nearest the door. 

Not today I thought.

At first, we found no availability. So I was convinced that this time would be different, in a quick defeat, I was willing to walk the distance to the door.

As our truck rolled into the area closest to our destiny, I was secretly snickering that this time it wouldn't happen.

Much to my surprise, there it was, waiting for him, an ideal spot nearest the door. In my disbelief, he rejoiced as he pulled his truck in with confidence.

I was curious why.

My conclusion was that he never doubted his abilities to find the perfect spot. My husband believed it would have happened all along.

Once again, I was reminded that the chances are good that if you believe it’s going to happen, it will.

Confidence in your abilities goes a long way.

Just ask my husband.


  1. Some people are just lucky that way. My husband was.
    Me, I'd rather walk. Honest. Really. Well, okay I know it's better for me

  2. It's good to hear from someone who shares my journey, Monica. Yes, I agree I'd rather walk. Thank you for sharing!
