Friday, March 27, 2015

How Robustness Came One Day

Why do you plug along doing your work even when it doesn’t feel like you’re moving towards your goal?

There was a nudge of an inspiration that was driving me in a direction and I couldn’t explain my motivation.

Sometimes it felt like it wasn’t ever going to make sense. My drive was wavering a little and I questioned my vision.

I kept going even when it didn’t feel like my next step was of value.

Then why keep plugging away?

Because one day when you least expect it, it materializes then it all makes sense.

Keeping the faith, my reluctant patience paid off and greatness presented itself. 

Shedding some light on some darkness. I persevered and clarity arrived.

I found life in my work that I haven’t seen before.

It felt right. I can breathe a little easier in this moment of time. Maybe it doesn't make sense to anyone else but it felt right in my heart.

A rush of robustness emerged.

Trust the process. You’ll get there.


  1. Couldn't agree more, Ann. Sometimes those clouds move out and the way forward is much more clear. Glad for your moment of enlightenment and hope it energizes you until the next one!

  2. Yes, a moment of enlightenment helps and energizes this journey we're on. Thank you Nydia for your encouragement.
